Celebrate Life! 🔥

You are full of energy in the middle of your life and want more! More Clarity & Orientation.


I'm Felix

… Purpose Coach, Yoga Teacher and Workshop Facilitator. I help you to direct all your energy into one unified direction by aligning past, present and future and forging all into one coherent narrative. Love your life and celebrate it every day!

For 15 years I'm helping Companies and Teams to find more purpose, direction and clarity. Now I'm bringing my experience to amazing humans like you!


What are your pains?

"I feel stuck. Doesn't matter what I do, I feel like nothing is changing. I'm running against walls. I feel the world is against me. My life is like a treadmill. I feel like dying. I'm giving my heart to the world, but I'm getting nothing back."


What is missing in your life?

"Orientation. I have focus, but still, I miss the broader picture. I am happy, but a bigger purpose is lacking. Abundance seems happen only to others. I wish I would have more clearity about everything. And the support for healthy growth."


What are your questions?

"What's my life about? Where am I in the bigger picture? Is it going to continue the rest of my life like this? Where are we going anyways? Is there hope in this world? I'm good with my life, but still, why is everything so heavy? Can it be more light?"


Everything you want is on the other side of fear.

Jack Canfield


I am here

…to show you the light! In fact to show you the light YOU ARE. For yourself you ARE the center of the Universe. I help you to feel, see and act like that! Because you deserve it. And your environment too.

My offer to you


Purpose Coaching Intensive

Start happily into the future with clarity and a map that gives you orientation!

In 3 sessions you will develop your current life focus and an entry point to your life purpose.

I offer also an extended version tailored to your needs with 6 or 9 session over a course of six month.


Purpose Coaching Deep Dive

Get more clarity and orientation, while dissolving inner blockages and unfolding your potential!

In 12 sessions you will create an overview of your life by looking at your inner models of past, present and future. With this map you can flow into your life purpose. Let's make your life shine bright!


Purpose Tribe Membership

Join the community and grow together with your tribe! A support network is a valuable driver for sustainable change.

In this one year program you will have access to a thriving community and monthly inputs to grow and flow. This is for indivduals that want to master their life as well as for people with leadership aspirations or business founders. Start: to be announced soon!

Increase Self-Love

Book a free call today and let's see if we click. It could be the beginning of a great love-story. With your self!



Berlin, Germany
Phone: +49 156 79025594
Email: hello@beingyourself.rocks
Instagram: @felixfoenix

© beingyourself.rocks 2024
Coaching, Consulting & Rituals

You change the world by being yourself.
Yoko Ono

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